
I went vegan in 2013.


Let me tell you...
(click link to find out)

About #VeganVentures

A few years ago I started the blog #VeganVentures to share my plant-based journey, as well as fun stories and great food. 

From day one my goal has been to show the benefits of a vegan lifestyle for humans, animals and the planet.

Going vegan has changed my life in magical and profound ways. 

By sharing my journey I hope to inspire many to adapt this crueltyfree way of being as well.

I dream of a world in which humanity realizes that all senitnent beings on this planet are euqal and important.

I am convinced that a peaceful diet contributes to world peace in more than one way. 

One of the reasons that I support Dr. Will Tuttle and his work.

His book "The World Peace Diet"* takes a deeper look at how what we eat impacts our consciousness and the entire world consequently. I highly recommend this book to everyone and think it should be mandatory reading as a part of educational systems around the globe. It has been translated into many languages, in German it was published as "ErnΓ€hrung und Bewusstsein"*.

I am available for interviews, podcasts and talks on behalf of the vegan cause and to give a voice to those who don't have one. 

For inquiries, please get in touch via press(at)anasha.de or use the contact form.

My Vegan Journey